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Cement Floor

Our Success Stories

Cement Floor

... patient, caring, and knowledgeable ...

The doctors are patient, caring, and knowledgeable. I work in front of the computer 10+ hours a day and suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain as a result. I received acupuncture with the electric stimulation along with cupping and it worked wonders! They even showed me stretches I could do throughout the day to prevent the pain from coming back. I couldn’t believe it…. Finally I was finally out of pain!

- Hana K.

acupuncture san francisco

I'm out of pain and back to my life!

My husband went in for low back pain and I went in for a bad hip. After our treatments, both of us feel 20 years younger. We tried a few other acupuncturists near us before deciding we had to go back to her. The others just don't compare.


5 stars!

I suffered from insomnia and brain fog after coming down with COVID last year. A few treatments with Dr. Ng and I finally am able to sleep. I just slept 9 hours! My brain fog has disappeared. I can work and study without taking breaks. I feel amazing!

- Naomi O.

- Brittany L.


Their treatments have been a lifesaver for me!

Optim is my favorite place for self-care and healing! I work an extremely high stress job so my stress level and anxiety are through the roof. I am always on superdrive and never feel like I can catch a break, that is until I found Optim. Optim Acupuncture has literally been a lifesaver for me. The treatments are super relaxing. Their combination of acupuncture, cupping, and movement keep my stress levels manageable and I feel more grounded. I haven’t felt this calm and happy in years!

- David T.

acupuncturist san francisco
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