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Cement Floor

Our Story

Cement Floor
acupuncture san francisco

A Family Tradition

Our story begins with our grandfather, Dr. Tan Jin Hong, who was a Chinese medicine doctor in southern China. Growing up, our grandpa would tell us countless stories about the power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. From pain and complex neurological disorders to his own chronic asthma, he saw it all. Little did we know that the stories that he passed down to us would lay the foundation for our careers.

The Turning Point

acupuncturist san francisco

When our father was diagnosed with cancer, his health deteriorated rapidly. Weeks after his diagnosis, our father became bedridden. His cancer was so aggressive and the chemo and radiation so taxing that he was left unable to eat, sleep, work, or function. We turned to acupuncture to improve his quality of life, and shortly after starting treatments, it felt like our father was himself again. He was able to eat dinner with his family, sleep through the night, and spend precious quality time with his kids. 

When he passed 6 months later, we knew that acupuncture was to thank for our last priceless memories with him. It was then when we saw first-hand the power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and we finally understood why our grandfather dedicated his life to this practice.

A Lightbulb Moment

san francisco acupuncture

We thought nothing could be more powerful than seeing how acupuncture and Chinese medicine transformed our father's life. Until we saw it transform our own. 

From sports injuries to digestive issues to stress and anxiety, acupuncture treated it all. It became our secret weapon--the edge we used to win in martial arts tournaments, the boost we needed when we were trying to meet a tight deadline at work, and the grounding we enjoyed after a long, stressful week. We saw how acupuncture helped us to perform in all aspects of our lives, and decided to step away from our corporate careers and go back to school to earn our doctorates in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Coming Full Circle

san francisco acupuncturist

Founding Optim Health and Acupuncture feels like everything has come full circle--from young children listening to our grandfather tell stories about this medicine to practicing it in the city that we grew up in. We hope that our clinic becomes a safe space for our community to receive effective holistic healthcare. 

We have learned from clinical practice that stories like ours and our father's are not unique. Acupuncture continues to transform our patients' lives, and we are so excited to see how it transforms yours. 


Meet Our Team

doctor of acupuncture san francisco

Dr. Jennifer L. Ng
Doctor of Acupuncture

san francisco acupuncture doctor

Dr. Mike J. Ng
Doctor of Acupuncture

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